
HomeWorld: Mars

Average Height: 6'5

Average Weight: 210 .lbs

Life Expectacy: 90 Years

Native Language: English


While humans served as a blue-print when Dr. Serks began his work, the Serks were somewhat enhanced. Their immune system was redesigned to allow for the faster recovery from injury and illness. The muscle structure and skeletal system was enhanced and changed to produce a higher degree of strength and speed. In addition to this their mental perception rate was increased. The Serks require very little oxygen to breath as well, because of this their blood is nearly clear. The Serks' distinguishing markings include a large neck, dark grey skin and either yellow or white eyes. The Serks also commonly have dark hair.


In December of 2451 Dr. David Serks and his team at Columbia University in New York created the first completely synthetic life form, created from plotted genetic material and engineered chemicals designed to simulate the natural formation of life billions of years ago on earth. His team created a very simple single celled organism. Within 6 months they had synthesized Algae and other more complex, yet still simple life forms.

Then the break through, using early dermal regeneration units Dr. Serks was able to order the growth of cells on a minute level. The first multi-cellular synthetic organism was modeled after the Melanoplus grasshopper. The discovery was met with much controversy as religious and moral advocates protested Serks research. Only 6 years later in complete secrecy, Dr. Serks, now being funded by the United States government, created the first synthetic human. The Serks boy lived for 4 years and served as a test subject for future experiments. Dr. Serks later helped create the first of what would come to be known as the Serks. Human based, the synthetic life forms were taller, stronger, faster, quicker, and more intelligent than their creators. David Serks died on March 16th, 2502 at the age of 89. Shortly after his death the United States military took over the project and redesigned the genetic code for the Serks.

The Serks were to be used as cheap skilled labor to aide in the colonization of Mars. It was also more cost effective to use Serks than Robotic workers. The public out rage at the synthetic life forms continued on until the completion of the Mars Colonies. Then a group of Serks attacked and brutally killed the workers at a cultivation factory where Serks were "grown" and produced. Led by a Serk who called him self Josiah, his small band of soldiers were able to reprogram the cultivation chambers to produce intelligent and combat ready Serks. Their army began to liberate all of the worker Serks and capture other cultivation factories creating more soldiers.

The United States military moved in after defenses on the planet were quickly overrun by Serk forces. Strategic defeats and miscalculations marred the entire campaign as US forces were repeatedly defeated. Meanwhile, sentiment on Earth had turned in favor of the Serks after a broadcast by Serk leader Josiah proclaiming their freedom and that choose to life their lives. Then serving only to fuel the unpopularity of the war, US citizens learned that after completion of the Mars colonization the Serks were scheduled to be destroyed. After some more small victories by the Serks, Serk leader Josiah was killed in an attack led by US forces. Before he could be seen as a martyr, the US offered a peace treaty and answered the demands of the Serks.

Today Serks are viewed with little to no discrimination. While their numbers are small on Earth, they make up over 40% of the Mars population and consider Mars home.